on my dell latitude e6510 with tri-boot opensuse12.3 fully updated with kde 4.10.5, 13.1 with kde 4.11.3 fresh upgraded from 12.3 and widows7 .
using 12.3 bluetooth works perfectly, using windows7 too, using 13.1 doesn't works, when I send a file to an already paired device bluetooth die and doesn't find no more adapter.....:-) :-)
any suggestion to have bluetooth working??
manythnx :-) ciao :-) pla
using 12.3 bluetooth works perfectly, using windows7 too, using 13.1 doesn't works, when I send a file to an already paired device bluetooth die and doesn't find no more adapter.....:-) :-)
any suggestion to have bluetooth working??
manythnx :-) ciao :-) pla