In several attempts to install downloads of epson-inkjet-printer-escpr-1.2.3-1lsb3.2x86_64.rpm and Scribus 1.4.2-2.1.1.x86_64.rpm, I had the files downloaded, opened the download folders, and tried to install them with Software Install (I think that was the name, it's off the screen now), the installs failed.
Message: The action could not be completed -- Message did not receive a reply (timeout by message bus).
All operations were done quickly. There were no unusual delays.
The CUPS site is down, so I couldn't get any help from them. Could SUSE be trying to get something from them?
Please reply simply and thoroughly if you have any suggestions. I'm an 80-year old newbie.;)
Message: The action could not be completed -- Message did not receive a reply (timeout by message bus).
All operations were done quickly. There were no unusual delays.
The CUPS site is down, so I couldn't get any help from them. Could SUSE be trying to get something from them?
Please reply simply and thoroughly if you have any suggestions. I'm an 80-year old newbie.;)