Hi all,
I had Samba seeing all my windows shares in Dolphin but now they have all disappeared. I had my Windows machines disconnected from the router but all settings are still the same. My Windows partition which i don’t use shows the shares under network right away so i know the setup there is fine.
Here is my Samba config file;
linux-4vl5:~ # cat /etc/samba/smb.conf
add machine script = /usr/sbin/useradd -c Machine -d /var/lib/nobody -s /bin/false %m$
domain logons = No
domain master = No
security = domain
workgroup = Workgroup
usershare allow guests = No
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# [netlogon]
linux-4vl5:~ #
I have put some screen shots below, i dont know what else to post as i am am barely a beginner.
I had Samba seeing all my windows shares in Dolphin but now they have all disappeared. I had my Windows machines disconnected from the router but all settings are still the same. My Windows partition which i don’t use shows the shares under network right away so i know the setup there is fine.
Here is my Samba config file;
linux-4vl5:~ # cat /etc/samba/smb.conf
add machine script = /usr/sbin/useradd -c Machine -d /var/lib/nobody -s /bin/false %m$
domain logons = No
domain master = No
security = domain
workgroup = Workgroup
usershare allow guests = No
## Share disabled by YaST
# [netlogon]
linux-4vl5:~ #
I have put some screen shots below, i dont know what else to post as i am am barely a beginner.