I have been installing for a while and every computer I build seems like creating a new life form. I have 14 in front of me not to mention the ones for friends and family. I use them to test out the web sites I build on different systems and setups. I have started naming them after my favorite actress roles when I ran out of Disney princess names. easier to locate them than numbers on my network. There is Amy Pond and Jill Monroe and such. Anyway, to the point, up until recently had no issues with HD failures.But now even the last 4 that I bought will not load the OS on the platforms. They mostly are WD IDE's. I have one new SSD sata that I have somehow put 2 copies of win 7 x64 pro on and will not boot or let me take it off. But the IDE's are what are troubling me because there are so many and 4 are just purchased. I need to figure out what I am doing wrong to them to make them fail or not read on the systems. 2 of the problem child systems are asus boards from 2008 and 2 are dells, an optiplex gx260 and a dell dimension e310. I know they are old systems and they dont come close to my gaming/graphics rig , but its a fun hobby. I came to this forum from a funny post by
at https://forums.opensuse.org/showthread.php/411452-how-to-fix-a-hard-disk-yourself
at https://forums.opensuse.org/showthread.php/411452-how-to-fix-a-hard-disk-yourself