I was reading a article by Jim Lynch on http://eyeonlinux.com. The same author seems to run http://desktoplinuxreviews.com as well. What ever. I think that the contends is moor interesting.
Were do I stand myself? I have Stuck at SuSE/Opensuse sinns 2001. When I went to work with computers in late 1989 it was Novell that ruled. As descrived in the first article as a method I try cure my quriosity sinns a coupple of years trow VirtuaBox. I have a "fat" server in the basement.
What does other people do when they think that the grass i greener on the other side of the fence/road? Reinstall? Virtualbox? Dreaming of missed opportunity with a tear in their eye?
For my self I'm satisfied whit my setup. I does quite offen work with RHEL's rpm-files on Opensuse as well so I don’t longing for debian based distro.
Were do I stand myself? I have Stuck at SuSE/Opensuse sinns 2001. When I went to work with computers in late 1989 it was Novell that ruled. As descrived in the first article as a method I try cure my quriosity sinns a coupple of years trow VirtuaBox. I have a "fat" server in the basement.
What does other people do when they think that the grass i greener on the other side of the fence/road? Reinstall? Virtualbox? Dreaming of missed opportunity with a tear in their eye?
For my self I'm satisfied whit my setup. I does quite offen work with RHEL's rpm-files on Opensuse as well so I don’t longing for debian based distro.