I installed Windows 7 and it is encrypted by special program which is making small linux partition (normally it is booting from this small linux partition, asking for password and then unencrypts Windows).
After installation Grub didn't discover this small Linux but I can mount is and I see it's files:
How can I tell Grub2 to add this to menu? I tried:
but it didn't help.
I'm sure that it can be done because I did it somehow before but I can't remember how :\
After installation Grub didn't discover this small Linux but I can mount is and I see it's files:
# mount /dev/sda2 mnttt/
# ls mnttt
bin boot .CT_devices dev etc .fonts.cache-1 lib libexec LICENSES linuxrc lost+found mnt mod opt proc root .safesign sbin sys tmp usr var
# ls mnttt/boot/
alpha1_mask.ppm.gz bkgrimage.mask.ppm.gz black.mask.ppm black.ppm bzImage bzImage. bzImage-acpi grub
bkgrimage.mask.ppm bkgrimage.ppm.gz black.mask.ppm.gz black.ppm.gz bzImage. bzImage. bzImage-poweroff
grub2-install /dev/sda
grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg
I'm sure that it can be done because I did it somehow before but I can't remember how :\