I'm trying to use this adapter under opensuse 13.1 Live Kde:
linux:/home/linux # lsusb
Bus 002 Device 036: ID 2001:3c15 D-Link Corp. DWA-140 RangeBooster N Adapter(rev.B3) [Ralink RT5372]
linux:/home/linux # uname -a
Linux linux.site 3.11.6-4-default #1 SMP Wed Oct 30 18:04:56 UTC 2013 (e6d4a27) i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux
it is correctly recognized and it scans all the networks in the area, but when it comes to connect it fails, I've noticed that it connects only when the signal is very high (above 40% of signal level), but even then the connection is slow and unusable and after a while it disconnects. I also use this adapter under opensuse 12.1 and windows under both of which the adapter works perfeclty with the same signal level.
linux:/home/linux # lsusb
Bus 002 Device 036: ID 2001:3c15 D-Link Corp. DWA-140 RangeBooster N Adapter(rev.B3) [Ralink RT5372]
linux:/home/linux # uname -a
Linux linux.site 3.11.6-4-default #1 SMP Wed Oct 30 18:04:56 UTC 2013 (e6d4a27) i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux
it is correctly recognized and it scans all the networks in the area, but when it comes to connect it fails, I've noticed that it connects only when the signal is very high (above 40% of signal level), but even then the connection is slow and unusable and after a while it disconnects. I also use this adapter under opensuse 12.1 and windows under both of which the adapter works perfeclty with the same signal level.