I have tried to get external data form numerous websites in calc,
When I insert the web address into the box for URL of external data source my calc document hangs.
I am trying to download sports results into my calc document from
I queried with libre to see if there was a problem with their software but they replied that it works fine in Debian & Ubuntu.
I let the query run over night last nigh & my calc document was still hanging this morning & I hadn't received an error report.
Is there a way for me to retrieve an error report when the document hangs?
I am running opensuse 13.1-X86- 64 bit
When I insert the web address into the box for URL of external data source my calc document hangs.
I am trying to download sports results into my calc document from
I let the query run over night last nigh & my calc document was still hanging this morning & I hadn't received an error report.
Is there a way for me to retrieve an error report when the document hangs?
I am running opensuse 13.1-X86- 64 bit