It seems Kgpg can decrypt a file without asking for password. This happened when I encrypt a file, and then try to decrypt it again (shorthly after). But if I restart my computer after encryption I have to write the password to decrypt. My operation was:
I get the same result if I rightclick test.txt.gpg in Dolphin and select open with Kgpg or "Decrypt/Verify file" with Kleopatra.
Also if I just decrypted a file and entered the password, and then try to decrypt it a second time, I'm not asked to enter the password the second time.
It seems Kgpg can decrypt a file without asking for password. This happened when I encrypt a file, and then try to decrypt it again (shorthly after). But if I restart my computer after encryption I have to write the password to decrypt. My operation was:
vandel@linux-wkck:~> gpg --symmetric -v test.txt [now a kgpg popup opened automatically and asked me to "enter passphrase"]
gpg: using cipher CAST5
gpg: writing to `test.txt.gpg'
vandel@linux-wkck:~> rm test.txt
vandel@linux-wkck:~> gpg -v test.txt.gpg [this decrypted the file without asking for passphrase]
gpg: CAST5 encrypted data
gpg: encrypted with 1 passphrase
gpg: original file name='test.txt'
gpg: WARNING: message was not integrity protected
Also if I just decrypted a file and entered the password, and then try to decrypt it a second time, I'm not asked to enter the password the second time.