hello dear Linux - experts
i am pretty new to per.l - and i want to do the first steps to store some values:
how to put the output of the request to the db
have perl :: DBI installed
also the mysql-db is up and running
i want to store all the output in the mysql-db
regarding the db-things: well i am pretty new to perl-tasks.
but with the above mentioned module - i think i can learn alot - it is quite very simple. And with this i can play around - and try to find out how to store the data into a mysql db.
well could the results that i get be regarded as a perl object (reference to array of references) like the below:
and need to store it on the DB then retrieve it.
i look for a good mechanism to serialize it and then store it on the DB?
hmm - if i want to store:
by the way: What about Data::Dumper?
i am pretty new to per.l - and i want to do the first steps to store some values:
how to put the output of the request to the db
have perl :: DBI installed
also the mysql-db is up and running
use Parse::CPAN::Authors;
# must have downloaded
my $p = Parse::CPAN::Authors->new("01mailrc.txt.gz");
# either a filename as above or pass in the contents of the file
my $p = Parse::CPAN::Authors->new($mailrc_contents);
my $author = $p->author('LBROCARD');
# $a is a Parse::CPAN::Authors::Author object
# ... objects are returned by Parse::CPAN::Authors
print $author->email, "\n"; # leon@astray.com
print $author->name, "\n"; # Leon Brocard
print $author->pauseid, "\n"; # LBROCARD
# all the author objects
my @authors = $p->authors;
regarding the db-things: well i am pretty new to perl-tasks.
but with the above mentioned module - i think i can learn alot - it is quite very simple. And with this i can play around - and try to find out how to store the data into a mysql db.
well could the results that i get be regarded as a perl object (reference to array of references) like the below:
my $a = [ [$a, $ab, $c ], [$a, $b, $c] ] ;
i look for a good mechanism to serialize it and then store it on the DB?
hmm - if i want to store:
use Storable
use DBI;
# ... connect to database
# Store
my $data = [ [$a, $b, $c ], [ $a, $b, $c ] ];
my $bytestream = nfreeze $data;
$dbh->do('insert into table (field) values(?)', undef, $bytestream);