helllo dear linux-commmunity
new to Ruby - i need some advices -
i plan to do some requests in osm-files. (openstreetmap)
Question - how can i store the results on a Database -
eg mysql or - (if you prefer postgresql) -
note: my favorite db - at least at the moment is mysql
here the code
look forward to hear from you
again - i would love to store it on a mysql - database - if possible. If you would prefer postgresql - then i would
takte this one.... ;-)
new to Ruby - i need some advices -
i plan to do some requests in osm-files. (openstreetmap)
Question - how can i store the results on a Database -
eg mysql or - (if you prefer postgresql) -
note: my favorite db - at least at the moment is mysql
here the code
require 'open-uri'
require "net/http"
require 'rexml/document'
def query_overpass(object_type, left,bottom,right,top, key, value)
base_url = "http://www.overpass-api.de/api/xapi?"
query_string = "#{object_type}[bbox=#{left},#{bottom},#{right},#{top}][#{key}=#{value}]"
url = "#{base_url}#{URI.encode(query_string)}"
resp = Net::HTTP.get_response(URI.parse(url))
data = resp.body
return data
overpass_result = REXML::Document.new(query_overpass("node", 7.1,51.2,7.2,51.3,"amenity","restaurant|pub|ice_cream|food_court|fast_food|cafe|biergarten|bar|bakery|steak|pasta|pizza|sushi|asia|nightclub"))
overpass_result.elements.each('osm/node') {|x|
if !x.elements["tag[@k='name']"].nil?
print x.elements["tag[@k='name']"].attributes["v"]
print " | "
if !x.elements["tag[@k='addr:postcode']"].nil?
print x.elements["tag[@k='addr:postcode']"].attributes["v"]
print ", "
if !x.elements["tag[@k='addr:city']"].nil?
print x.elements["tag[@k='addr:city']"].attributes["v"]
print ", "
if !x.elements["tag[@k='addr:street']"].nil?
print x.elements["tag[@k='addr:street']"].attributes["v"]
print ", "
if !x.elements["tag[@k='addr:housenumber']"].nil?
print x.elements["tag[@k='addr:housenumber']"].attributes["v"]
print " | "
print x.attributes["lat"]
print " | "
print x.attributes["lon"]
print " | "
if !x.elements["tag[@k='website']"].nil?
print x.elements["tag[@k='website']"].attributes["v"]
print " | "
if !x.elements["tag[@k='amenity']"].nil?
print x.elements["tag[@k='amenity']"].attributes["v"]
print " | "
again - i would love to store it on a mysql - database - if possible. If you would prefer postgresql - then i would
takte this one.... ;-)