Hey guys,
For my study I have to program a flight simulator in Linux. I've got it working on the computers with SUSE but everytime I run it on my laptop i get the following error:
Does anyone have any idea how t solve this? I've tried installing ton's of libraries (openGL and such) but I think I am still missing a package or something.
Thanks in advance!
For my study I have to program a flight simulator in Linux. I've got it working on the computers with SUSE but everytime I run it on my laptop i get the following error:
WARNING: ac_to_gl: Can't parse this MATERIAL:
WARNING: ac_to_gl: MATERIAL "ac3dmat1" rgb 1 1 1 amb 0.2 0.2 0.2 emis 0 0 0 spec 0.2 0.2 0.2 shi 128 trans 0
WARNING: ac_to_gl: Can't parse this MATERIAL:
WARNING: ac_to_gl: MATERIAL "ac3dmat1" rgb 1 1 1 amb 0.2 0.2 0.2 emis 0 0 0 spec 0.5 0.5 0.5 shi 10 trans 0
FATAL: ac_to_gl: Illegal vertex record.
exit() was called with a non-zero (error) exit value 1
Thanks in advance!