In my quest to decide which language I like best, my nephew suggested Python. I found a cool command 'fdupes' that I thought would be nice to build a simple project around. I have however, run into a problem that I just can't find an answer to and that is, how can I direct the output to both the terminal and to a file at the same time (like bash's 'tee'? Also, I'm not sure, but I don't think my "while" statement is working correctly when I use a variable in 'myCmd' rather than using the actual file location.
Here is what I have so far:
Thanks all.
Here is what I have so far:
# File name:
# Written by sparkz_alot
# 24 Jun 2014
# Description: A program written in Python 2.7 to check for duplicate files
name = raw_input('Enter Name: ')
print "How's it going ", name
# Lets prepare for determining our runtime
import datetime
startdt =
print "Start time : ", startdt
# Open file with (a)ppend, (r)ead and (w)rite permission. Creates new file if one doesn't exist.
# Write command output to file
import subprocess
import sys
# Which directory do we want to check
# TODO: make this user defined
dupedir = "/home/carissa"
myCmd = "/usr/bin/fdupes -r " + dupedir
# run command
myOut = subprocess.Popen(myCmd, shell=True, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
# Lets not wait, rather start displaying immediatly
while True:
out =
if out == '' and myOut.poll() != None:
if out != '':
# Close the file
enddt =
print "End time: ", enddt
diff_sec = enddt - startdt
print "Total runtime: ", diff_sec
# TODO Work on this
print "Count of Duplicates: " + numOfDupes
print "Count of Files/Directories: " + numOfFD
# User control of ending program. Comment out if not needed
raw_input("Press <enter> to continue...")
# See also fslint