USB to UART device I have
I'm quite new to Linux. I'm trying to "talk" with routers*. But I don't know how to get openSUSE to know USB_UART<->ttyS0<->COM3.... or however you get from one end to the other... ttyUSB0?
I installed minicom, but it's not "seeing" anything. Downloaded CoolTerm but it's not well documented in Linux. I could not get CoolTerm to run. And for that matter, minicom is a little confusing about set up.
Anyone know of a good how-to/tutorial? I can find lots for WindBlows, but it seems like all the Linux ones I can find ass-u-me you know what you're doing.
The tutorial tells you what each part means, but not what to do with the text.
Do you put that into Command line/terminal? A file, if so, where?
Dose \\\\.\\ == xxxx.xx ?
*The list is long, and each one has different ways of "talking" with it.
I'm quite new to Linux. I'm trying to "talk" with routers*. But I don't know how to get openSUSE to know USB_UART<->ttyS0<->COM3.... or however you get from one end to the other... ttyUSB0?
I installed minicom, but it's not "seeing" anything. Downloaded CoolTerm but it's not well documented in Linux. I could not get CoolTerm to run. And for that matter, minicom is a little confusing about set up.
Anyone know of a good how-to/tutorial? I can find lots for WindBlows, but it seems like all the Linux ones I can find ass-u-me you know what you're doing.
HANDLE hMasterCOM = CreateFile("\\\\.\\COM3",
Do you put that into Command line/terminal? A file, if so, where?
Dose \\\\.\\ == xxxx.xx ?
*The list is long, and each one has different ways of "talking" with it.