hi all:
i am trying to get wmv files working on opensuse 13.1 by following the opensuse wiki page:
but there is no "mplayer-plugin" any more (it seems to be defunct long time ago, as google search results) but i do see "mplayer2" and few other "mplayer2" related codes. but those codes seem to conflict with mplayer1.1 that came with the opensuse:
if i am reading right, the option 2 will have mplayer2 replace mplayer1? if so, why not just simply deprecated mplyaer1 when opensuse13.1 was crafted?
i am trying to get wmv files working on opensuse 13.1 by following the opensuse wiki page:
#### YaST2 conflicts list - generated 2014-08-03 12:59:10 ####
mplayer2-as-mplayer-20130427-3.15.i586 conflicts with MPlayer provided by MPlayer-1.1.1.r37239-1.2.i586
[ ] do not install mplayer2-as-mplayer-20130427-3.15.i586
[ ] Following actions will be done:
deinstallation of MPlayer-1.1.1.r37239-1.2.i586
deinstallation of gmplayer-1.1.1.r37239-1.2.i586
deinstallation of moviethumbnailer-1.6.0-1.3.noarch