I need to set up the fan speed on my server.
When logged in, I can use this command to set up the fan speed to 30% :
this one works also :
I have created a service "after.local.service" and put the command in the associated after.local script.
I got the following error in /var/log/message :
How to setup fan speed after startup when nobody is logged in.
Any help is welcome.
I need to set up the fan speed on my server.
When logged in, I can use this command to set up the fan speed to 30% :
/usr/bin/nvidia-settings -a "[gpu:0]/GPUFanControlState=1" -a "[fan:0]/GPUCurrentFanSpeed=30"
/usr/bin/nvidia-settings -a ":0[gpu:0]/GPUFanControlState=1" -a ":0[fan:0]/GPUCurrentFanSpeed=30"
I got the following error in /var/log/message :
No protocol specified. ERROR: The control display is undefined; please run `/usr/bin/nvidia-settings --help` for usage information.
Any help is welcome.