I have created a cron job in the /etc/cron.d/dispatchingEmail_I |
content of the dispatchingEmail_I is:
54 19 * * * root /home/harbir/project/L_ocalRepository/smallworks/maildispatcher.sh >> /tmp/try1.log
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 84 Sep 11 19:52 dispatchingEmail_I
2014-09-11T19:54:01.761269+10:00 linux-gn77-PC /USR/SBIN/CRON[4109]: (root) CMD (/home/harbir/project/L_ocalRepository/smallworks/maildispatcher.sh)
where as when I run the script by itself, the email is received.
the permissions of the file maildispatcher.sh are the following:
-rwxrwx--- 1 harbir users 621 Sep 10 06:33 maildispatcher.sh
1. log is empty
2. script fires up a java program that updates a file before sending an email. The file is not getting updated.
when I run a simple command like
50 05 * * * root echo checking >>/tmp/try2.log
can anyone suggest some changes that can be tried?