I'm having two issues with openbox on openSUSE 13.1. I have an autostart file in ~/.config/openbox and it's not executing at all on startup. My autostart read:
Also, I like how the menu is autogenerated based on what is installed. However, I want to add items at the top of the menu for my most frequently used programs. But my menu.xml is not being read. I used obmenu to generate it, and my menu.xml reads:
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
# Programs that will run after Openbox has started
# Set the wallpaper
nitrogen &
# A panel for good times
tint2 &
conky &
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<menu id="ob-menu" label="Openbox Preferences">
<menu id="None-22934" label="New Menu">
<item label="Terminal">
<action name="Execute">
<item label="Firefox">
<action name="Execute">
<item label="File Manager">
<action name="Execute">