If I do "whoami" at the command prompt it will tell me either root or hexdump (my id).
This is what might be giving me misleading info. At least misleading to me, maybe not to you.
When I was trying to solve the "restart login" thing, this was how I was testing to see who I was logged in as.
I am thinking I have it all wrong and it's all Linux's fault.
These stoopid multi-user gotchas. >:)
I say this with all respect and kidding.
I just need to learn it.
Does the "su -" change my login credentials ? Hmmm, I have to think about this.
Is it only for what I execute via the command line ?
If I were to spawn something with a GUI (Not sure I can do this) but would the permissions be passed along ?
My head hurts.:'(
This is what might be giving me misleading info. At least misleading to me, maybe not to you.
When I was trying to solve the "restart login" thing, this was how I was testing to see who I was logged in as.
I am thinking I have it all wrong and it's all Linux's fault.
These stoopid multi-user gotchas. >:)
I say this with all respect and kidding.
I just need to learn it.
hexdump@CorkyPC:~> whoami
hexdump@CorkyPC:~> su -
CorkyPC:~ # whoami
CorkyPC:~ #
Is it only for what I execute via the command line ?
If I were to spawn something with a GUI (Not sure I can do this) but would the permissions be passed along ?
My head hurts.:'(