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LEAP 15.2 Leap 15.2 Beta - Please post any initial comments here

The development version of Leap 15.2 has reached the Beta testing phase: <https://news.opensuse.org/2020/02/25...-builds-phase/>.

Please note the section

People testing the beta are encouraged to Record their Leap Beta testing effort on the following spreadsheet:
Here: <https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets...#gid=801313279>.

Of course, you can feel free to use this thread for any initial comments …

The roadmap is here: <https://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:Roadmap>.
February 20th, 2020: Beta phase
April 16th, 2020: RC phase, package freeze (8 weeks after Beta)
May 3rd, 2020: translation deadline for packages
May 4th, 2020: final package submission deadline
May 4th, 2020: translation deadline for infrastructure
May 7th, 2020: Release (3 weeks after RC)

Need help building Avogadro2 (Target "avogadro" links to target "Qt5::OpenGL" but the target was...)

Hello, it me again.

I am trying to build Avogadro2 for Tumbleweed with Science repo. I use Science repo because some dependency like molequeue is not in factory yet.


I got stuck with


CMake Error at avogadro/CMakeLists.txt:99 (add_executable):
[    6s]  Target "avogadro" links to target "Qt5::OpenGL" but the target was not
[    6s]  found.  Perhaps a find_package() call is missing for an IMPORTED target, or
[    6s]  an ALIAS target is missing?

I assume that it is missing Qt5OpenGL.
So I tried adding

BuildRequires:  libqt5-qtbase-devel
BuildRequires:  libqt5-qttools-devel
BuildRequires:  libQt5OpenGL-devel
BuildRequires:  libQt5OpenGL5

But it does not fix the issue.

So I'm not sure what cause this error.


LEAP 15.1 How to create a self-signed certificate with OpenSSL?

hello dear experts dear opensuse fans

i hope you are well and everything goes all right

i run a server on openSuse.

today i have a question regarding the creation of a SSL-Certificate.

note: i am fairly new to the process of generating a SSL-certificate ....: Is it possible to do self signed certification a website without domain name?
to shed a light i have gathered some information: i have read some documentations and sumarize it here - trying to find out the information that helps me to answer the question.
i have gathered some infos here at: https://www.openssl.org/ and at stackoverflow - see below

is a robust, commercial-grade, and full-featured toolkit for the Transport Layer Security (TLS) and Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocols.
It is also a general-purpose cryptography library. For more information about the team and community around the project, or to start making your own contributions, start with the community page. To get the latest news, download the source, and so on, please see the sidebar or the buttons at the top of every page. OpenSSL is licensed under an Apache-style license, which basically means that you are free to get and use it for commercial and non-commercial purposes subject to some simple license conditions.


Legalities Please remember that export/import and/or use of strong cryptography software, providing cryptography hooks, or even just communicating technical details about cryptography software is illegal in some parts of the world.
So when you import this package to your country, re-distribute it from there or even just email technical suggestions or even source patches to the authors or other people you are strongly advised to pay close attention
to any laws or regulations which apply to you. The authors of OpenSSL are not liable for any violations you make here. So be careful, it is your responsibility. ssl certificate without domain name
the downloads: https://www.openssl.org/source/
The master sources are maintained in our git repository, which is accessible over the network and cloned on GitHub, at https://github.com/openssl/openssl. Bugs and pull patches (issues and pull requests) should be filed on the GitHub repo. Please familiarize yourself with the license. The table below lists the latest releases for every branch. (For an explanation of the numbering, see our release strategy.) All releases can be found at /source/old. A list of mirror sites can be found here. Note: The latest stable version is the 1.1.1 series.
The question is:
Is it possible to do self signed certification a website without domain name? I have read that we can do this with the servicelet'sencrypt.org: it seems so that it does not issue certificate for having no domain name.
i have heard about various options and methods:
a. - getting a certificate from LetsEncrypt that would be trusted by most of the browsers that are out there:
preliminaries: we need a domain that resolves to our server.
- LetsEncrypt does not issue certs for IP-addresses nor for custom dev-domains like .local. and the like.
secondly: We - of course are also able to create and sign a certificate ourself, for every domain name we want, or even for IP addresses. The domain name can be anything, and doesn't necessarily be the one we use to access the site.
In this case i guess that the webserver won't mind here.
But that said i can imagine that our browser will display a whole bunch of warnings and will throw lots of errors, though (CN mismatch and things alike, non-trusted signature and other things more), but if we just skip/ignore those kind of warnings and messages then subesquently we can access the site via HTTPS.

the creation process: How to create a self-signed certificate with OpenSSL

i am on Linux and i guess that we can do this on console: It's fairly easy to create a self-signed certificate on linux. If we are on Linux we just use the openssl req command.
It can be tricky to create one that can be consumed by the largest selection of clients that aree browsers and command line tools too. The many browsers out there have their own set of requirements, therfore it may be a bit difficult - some browsers are more restrictive than the IETF. The requirements used by browsers are documented at the CA/Browser Forums (see references below). The restrictions arise in two key areas: (1) trust anchors, and (2) DNS names.
so the creation-process can have the following steps - according this documentation taken from here:


Procedure To generate a self-signed SSL certificate using the OpenSSL, complete the following steps:
Write down the Common Name (CN) for your SSL Certificate. The CN is the fully qualified name for the system that uses the certificate. If you are using Dynamic DNS, your CN should have a wild-card, for example: *.api.com. Otherwise, use the hostname or IP address set in your Gateway Cluster (for example. or dp1.acme.com).
Run the following OpenSSL command to generate your private key and public certificate. Answer the questions and enter the Common Name when prompted.

openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout key.pem -x509 -days 365 -out certificate.pemCopy
Review the created certificate:

openssl x509 -text -noout -in certificate.pemCopy
Combine your key and certificate in a PKCS#12 (P12) bundle:

openssl pkcs12 -inkey key.pem -in certificate.pem -export -out certificate.p12Copy
Validate your P2 file.

openssl pkcs12 -in certificate.p12 -noout -info

... taken from here: https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledg...d_openSSL.html

Here are the options described in more detail, from the documentation at https://www.openssl.org/docs/manmaster/man1/req.html
note: the documentation is actually much more detailed than the following notes; I just summarized it here:


openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout key.pem -out cert.pem -days XXX

PKCS#10 certificate request and certificate generating utility.

this option outputs a self signed certificate instead of a certificate request. This is typically used to generate a test certificate or a self signed root CA.

-newkey arg
this option creates a new certificate request and a new private key. The argument takes one of several forms. rsa:nbits, where nbits is the number of bits, generates an RSA key nbits in size.

-keyout filename
this gives back the filename to write the newly created private key to.

-out filename
This specifies the output filename to write to or standard output by default.

-days n
when the -x509 option is being used this specifies the number of days to certify the certificate for. The default is 30 days.

if this option is specified then if a private key is created it will not be encrypted.

The documentation from the documentation at https://www.openssl.org/docs/manmaster/man1/req.html
is actually more detailed than the above; I just summarized it here.

As of 2020, the following command serves all our needs, including SAN:
cf https://stackoverflow.com/questions/...76685#10176685


openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -sha256 -days 3650 -nodes \
  -keyout example.key -out example.crt -extensions san -config \
  <(echo "[req]";
    echo distinguished_name=req;
    echo "[san]";
    echo subjectAltName=DNS:example.com,DNS:example.net,IP:
    ) \
  -subj "/CN=example.com"

In OpenSSL ≥ 1.1.1, this can be shortened to:

openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -sha256 -days 3650 -nodes \
  -keyout example.key -out example.crt -subj "/CN=example.com" \
  -addext "subjectAltName=DNS:example.com,DNS:example.net,IP:"

It creates a certificate that is:
valid for the domains


also valid for the IP address (SAN),
relatively strong (as of 2020) and
valid for 3650 days (~10 years).
It creates the following files:

Private key: example.key
Certificate: example.crt

All information is provided at the command line. There is no interactive input that annoys you. There are no config files you have to mess around with. All necessary steps are executed by a single OpenSSL invocation: from private key generation up to the self-signed certificate.
Remark #1: Crypto parameters
Since the certificate is self-signed and needs to be accepted by users manually, it doesn't make sense to use a short expiration or weak cryptography.
In the future, you might want to use more than 4096 bits for the RSA key and a hash algorithm stronger than sha256, but as of 2020 these are sane values. They are sufficiently strong while being supported by all modern browsers.
Remark #2: Parameter "-nodes"
Theoretically we could leave out the -nodes parameter (which means "no DES encryption"), in which case example.key would be encrypted with a password. However, this is almost never useful for a server installation, because you would either have to store the password on the server as well, or you'd have to enter it manually on each reboot.

the question is: Is it possible to do self signed certification a website without domain name?
I have read that we can do this with the servicelet'sencrypt.org: it seems so that it does not issue certificate for having no domain name. i have heard about various options and methods that i have described above.

look forward to hear from you

[security-announce] openSUSE-SU-2020:0220-1: moderate: Security update for nextcloud

openSUSE Security Update: Security update for nextcloud ______________________________________________________________________________ Announcement ID: openSUSE-SU-2020:0220-1 Rating: moderate References: #1162766 #1162775 #1162776 #1162781 #1162782 #1162...


LEAP 15.1 Another optimus laptop and leap 15.1 that do not connect to external hdmi monitor

I have an optimus Laptop (Dell Inspiron 3793), I have tried without success so install the nvidia drivers as described here : https://en.opensuse.org/SDB:NVIDIA_drivers.
I gave up and decided to continue with the nouveau driver. But, when trying to connect my external monitor, this was not recognized. As this is a no-go for me I'm back trying to configure the nvidia card.
I have read the thread here : https://forums.opensuse.org/showthre...-hdmi-monitor/.
I have installed the NVidia drivers the easy way and the prime. After I boot, no graphical interface shows up. Nevertheless prime-select seems to work : prime-select nvidia outputs "Driver configured: nvidia". But, as I said no graphical interface.

What can I do ?

Thanks !

TUMBLEWEED Fresh Install: No Wired Internet Access?


I installed openSUSE Tumbleweed KDE 64Bit onto a third thin desktop.
I have no wired Internet access?
(wireless Internet works though)

Wired Internet NIC device is below:
RTL8111/8168/8411 PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet Controller

How do I fix above?


LEAP 15.1 how to avoid to show the media in use (title and buttons) in the login screen?

on my leap 15.1 with KDE the annoying thing that somebody can know which video or song I was viewing or listening before to sleep the pc is horrible.
how to avoid to show the media in use (title and buttons) in the login screen?

LEAP 15.1 What to use to clone bootable drive?

I have an NVME drive for Linux, a 250gb SSD for Windows (used for gaming) and an empty 120GB SSD.

I want to move my Windows install from the 250GB drive to the 120GB. What is the best way to do this from within Linux?

Thanks guys!

TUMBLEWEED Lenovo Ideapad S740 with GTX 1650 not playing sound

Hey Guys,

I'm quite the newbie with linux in general.

I've scoured the forums to try to figure out how to get the sound working on my Lenovo Ideapad S740.

I previously installed elementary OS and I couldn't get the sound to work on that distro either. I ended up switching to OpenSUSE for no main reason, but I still can't get the sound working.

Here are some of the outputs that I've seen on other forums being asked for


cat /proc/asound/cards
HTML Code:

--- no soundcards ---

hwinfo --sound
HTML Code:

23: PCI 1f.3: 0401 Multimedia audio controller                 
  [Created at pci.386]
  Unique ID: nS1_.QgFu6BfHwfA
  SysFS ID: /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1f.3
  SysFS BusID: 0000:00:1f.3
  Hardware Class: sound
  Model: "Intel Cannon Lake PCH cAVS"
  Vendor: pci 0x8086 "Intel Corporation"
  Device: pci 0xa348 "Cannon Lake PCH cAVS"
  SubVendor: pci 0x17aa "Lenovo"
  SubDevice: pci 0x3827
  Revision: 0x10
  Memory Range: 0x604b108000-0x604b10bfff (rw,non-prefetchable)
  Memory Range: 0x604b000000-0x604b0fffff (rw,non-prefetchable)
  IRQ: 16 (no events)
  Module Alias: "pci:v00008086d0000A348sv000017AAsd00003827bc04sc01i00"
  Driver Info #0:
    Driver Status: snd_hda_intel is not active
    Driver Activation Cmd: "modprobe snd_hda_intel"
  Driver Info #1:
    Driver Status: snd_soc_skl is not active
    Driver Activation Cmd: "modprobe snd_soc_skl"
  Driver Info #2:
    Driver Status: snd_sof_pci is not active
    Driver Activation Cmd: "modprobe snd_sof_pci"
  Config Status: cfg=no, avail=yes, need=no, active=unknown


alsa-info.sh --upload

Any help would be greatly appreciated to try and figure out how to get my sound.

I've tried to go into YaST and reconfigure the Intel Cannonlake PCH card as it shows up in the YaST GUI but I just get an error that the kernel module for sound support could not be loaded

TUMBLEWEED Best Windows/Linux ISO Bootable USB Thumb Drive Maker For openSUSE Linux?


Just wondering what the
best Windows/Linux ISO bootable USB thumb drive maker for openSUSE Linux

I've tried several but don't have a favorite.
Perhaps I am not using the best one...

Let me know, thanks!


TUMBLEWEED No sound aftert latest snapshot

Dear all,

after applying latest snapshot sound-subsystem is dead.

Hardware: AMD Ryzen 1700x on Gigabyte X370 with soundcodec ALC1220

Manual pulseaudio start with -v switch shows following console output:

chris@zen:~> pulseaudio -v
I: [pulseaudio] main.c: setrlimit(RLIMIT_NICE, (31, 31)) failed: Die Operation ist nicht erlaubt
I: [pulseaudio] main.c: setrlimit(RLIMIT_RTPRIO, (9, 9)) failed: Die Operation ist nicht erlaubt
I: [pulseaudio] core-util.c: Successfully gained nice level -11.
I: [pulseaudio] main.c: This is PulseAudio 13.0-rebootstrapped
I: [pulseaudio] main.c: Page size is 4096 bytes
I: [pulseaudio] main.c: Machine ID is c0d52149967b4c7bb41b3ba6906359f3.
I: [pulseaudio] main.c: Session ID is 2.


I: [pulseaudio] module.c: Loaded "module-alsa-card" (index: #6; argument: "device_id="0" name="pci-0000_08_00.1" card_name="alsa_card.pci-0000_
08_00.1" namereg_fail=false tsched=yes fixed_latency_range=no ignore_dB=no deferred_volume=yes use_ucm=yes avoid_resampling=no card_properties=
I: [pulseaudio] module-udev-detect.c: Card /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:03.1/0000:08:00.1/sound/card0 (alsa_card.pci-0000_08_00.1) module loaded
I: [pulseaudio] alsa-ucm.c: UCM available for card hw:1
I: [pulseaudio] alsa-ucm.c: Set UCM verb to HiFi
W: [pulseaudio] alsa-ucm.c: UCM file does not specify 'PlaybackChannels' or 'CaptureChannels'for device Mic1, assuming stereo duplex.
W: [pulseaudio] alsa-ucm.c: UCM file does not specify 'PlaybackChannels' or 'CaptureChannels'for device Mic2, assuming stereo duplex.
W: [pulseaudio] alsa-ucm.c: UCM file does not specify 'PlaybackChannels' or 'CaptureChannels'for device Line2, assuming stereo duplex.
W: [pulseaudio] alsa-ucm.c: UCM file does not specify 'PlaybackChannels' or 'CaptureChannels'for device Headphones, assuming stereo duplex.
W: [pulseaudio] alsa-ucm.c: UCM file does not specify 'PlaybackChannels' or 'CaptureChannels'for device Line1, assuming stereo duplex.
W: [pulseaudio] alsa-ucm.c: UCM file does not specify 'PlaybackChannels' or 'CaptureChannels'for device Speaker, assuming stereo duplex.
I: [pulseaudio] module-alsa-card.c: Found UCM profiles
E: [pulseaudio] alsa-ucm.c: Assertion 'jack' failed at modules/alsa/alsa-ucm.c:2158, function device_add_hw_mute_jack(). Aborting.
Abgebrochen (Speicherabzug geschrieben)

Does anyone has an idea to sovle this?


FYI - SSD reliability survey and analysis


Bottom line takeaway
It's almost all good with few concerns, but be wary of just released technology... Which can suffer from too many components crammed into too small space. Slightly older and even cheaper technology doesn't push the boundaries of known and proven.


TUMBLEWEED lenovo yoga c640

So far with a Lenovo yoga c640, tumbleweed/KDE.

1) installing sof-firmware will make sound work
2) don't install xf86-video-intel unless you like graphical glitches.
3) touchscreen / stylus don't work
4) finger print reader probably doesn't work (i've not actually tried it since installing tumbleweed)
5) Touch pad sometimes doesn't work and requires a powercycle to fix.

Anyone know how to fix 5? Clearly Tumbleweed can support the trackpad because it's working at the moment, but I've had a couple instances where it doesn't (Pressing the enable/disable trackpad button shows that it's enabled or disabled the trackpad but makes 0 difference) it seems to require a shutdown then cold boot to fix.

I'm guessing it's either going to be a firmware loading issue or a timing issue.

This is from a cold boot, i've not done much testing with sleep states.etc

LEAP 15.1 How to install the boot loader on a new /dev/sda

Recently I installed a new 4TiB disk to house all backups I have, including those for Leap 15.1 and Windows 10 and older disks. My problem now is to get rid of the old 1TiB disk, witch is the /dev/sda with the boot loader. I am asking for your help to reinstall the boot loader on the new (/dev/sda) disk and how can I rename a disk to /dev/sda. Should I connect the 4TiB to the same connectors used by the old backup disk?

My disks are: /dev/sda the disk I want to get rid of
/dev/sdb the new backup disk
/dev/sdc the Windows 10 disk
/dev/sdd the Leap 15.1 disk

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

The output of "parted -l" is showed bellow:


Model: ATA WDC WD10EZEX-00B (scsi)
Disk /dev/sda: 1000GB
Sector size (logical/phisical): 512B/4096B
Partition table: gpt
Disk options:

Number  Start      End          Size        File System  Name    Options
 1            1049kB  1000GB  1000GB  ext4                primary  msftdata

Model: ATA WDC WD40PURZ-85T (scsi)
Disk /dev/sdb: 4001GB
Sector size (logical/phisical): 512B/4096B
Partition table: gpt
Disk options::

Number  Start      End          Size          File System      Name                            Options
 1              1049kB  4001GB  4001GB  ntfs                      Basic data partition    msftdata

Modelo: ATA ST1000DM003-1ER1 (scsi)
Disk /dev/sdc: 1000GB
Sector size (logical/phisical): 512B/4096B
Partition table: gpt
Disk options::

Number  Start        End          Size        File System  Name    Options
 1              1049kB  525MB    524MB    ntfs                                hiden, diag
 2              525MB  1000GB  1000GB  ntfs                                msftdata
 3              1000GB  1000GB  105MB    fat32                              boot, esp

Modelo: ATA ST1000DM003-1ER1 (scsi)
Disk /dev/sdd: 1000GB
Sector size (logical/phisical): 512B/4096B
Partition table: gpt
Disk options::

Number  Start      End          Size        File System        Name    Options
 1            1049kB  525MB    524MB    fat16                                    boot, esp
 2            525MB  984GB    983GB    ext4
 3            984GB  1000GB  16,7GB    linux-swap(v1)                    swap

OTHER VERSION LEAP 15.0: vncviewer unable connect to socket: Connection refused (111)


I thought I got through the hard part and starting up vncviewer was going to be the easy, final step... but no...

client% vncviewer localhost:5900

produces this error:

DecodeManager: Detected 1 CPU core(s)
DecodeManager: Decoding data on main thread
CConn: unable connect to socket: Connection refused (111)

So, I try...

client% telnet localhost 5900

Trying ::1...
telnet: connect to address ::1: connection refused
telnet: connect to address Connection refused

client% telnet localhost 25

works as expected.

The firewall is off.

This was used to setup ssh tunneling...

client% ssh -L 5900:localhost:5900 remoteMachine

remoteMachine% x11vnc -many -threads -nap -modtweak -bg -display :0

The VNC desktop is: remoteMachine:0
PORT = 5900

remoteMachine% netstat -an | grep 5900

tcp 0 0* LISTEN
tcp6 0 0 :::5900 :::* LISTEN

which I believe means that the remoteMachine is ready and actively listening for the client vncviewer?

As noted earlier, the firewall is off on the client.

What am I missing?


LEAP 15.1 Not reaching download.opensuse.org during network installation

I'm trying to make a network installation for leap 15.1 from the network on my vmware ( but I cannot reach the repository.
In fact from all my systems I cannot traceroute that address:

# traceroute download.opensuse.org
traceroute to download.opensuse.org (, 30 hops max, 60 byte packets
1 001-199.sailweb.eu ( 0.254 ms 0.173 ms 0.147 ms
2 ( 0.296 ms 0.197 ms 0.162 ms
3 wifisistem-tex97.topix.it ( 6.791 ms 6.750 ms 10.699 ms
4 ( 7.646 ms 7.604 ms 7.551 ms
5 ae1-201.cr0-trn3.ip4.gtt.net ( 7.624 ms 7.571 ms 7.518 ms
6 et-0-0-37.cr10-fra2.ip4.gtt.net ( 20.979 ms 25.272 ms 25.251 ms
7 * * *
8 * * *
9 * * *
10 * * *
11 * * *

I think it's a rounting problem, but I do not know how to check it. TY in advance

LEAP 15.1 XFCE workspace changing positions

I'm using XFCE on one of my PCs due to the low memory available.
I use 6 areas to organize my work.
Jobs move from one area to another without me wanting to
This did not happen with KDE.
What should I do to fix each job in your workSpace permanently?



I have a computer that has an AMD Ryzen 3600 and it gets very hot. An option is available to save electricity and to cool the processor. It will see its frequency decrease if it is little used and it will return to normal in case of peak usage.

This is AMD's Cool n’Quiet

This option was in automatic mode in the bios but I put it on activated. Then I came across it:


If I understood correctly, which is not sure, on ubuntu to take advantage of this option you have to configure things.

What about Opensuse Tubleweed?

How do I know if it's enabled or how do I configure it?

Thank you

LEAP 15.1 KDE desktop overlayed and eventually hangs

I have installed LEAP 15.1 on a desktop with an NVIDIA G72 Board - p385h0 and am using KDE. Periodically the desktop is overlayed by what appears to be wallpaper. Sometimes my open applications reappear. Eventually KDE stops responding to left and right clicks, although I can still move the cursor.

What diagnostic data should I collect before reporting the bug?

[security-announce] openSUSE-SU-2020:0222-1: moderate: Security update for hostapd

openSUSE Security Update: Security update for hostapd ______________________________________________________________________________ Announcement ID: openSUSE-SU-2020:0222-1 Rating: moderate References: #1056061 Cross-References: CVE-2017-13082 CVE-2019-9...

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