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LEAP 15.1 Dolphin --- lost new directory

In my user login, I created a new folder in Dolphin, and gave it 'A-install-logs' as a directory name.
I moved all of my install logs into it.
Now when I open Dolphin, that directory is no longer there. As in gone, disappeared.
It is not under hidden files.
Any way to find it and do it right?? So it doesn't get lost.
I'd really like those install logs back.

They are probably out in the 'system' logs somewhere, but I don't want to dig through that load for 6 or 7 files.

LEAP 15.1 What is the correct partition type for aopenSUSE root alocated with OS/2 LVM?

I have a desktop running ArcaOS, a re-branded OS/2. I used the OS/2 LVM to create a logical drive for openSUSE root. Should I specify the partition type as Linux/LVM (8E) or as Linux?

LEAP 15.1 scale pdf print in Okular

I have a pdf in A4 (210 x 297 mm) page and I need to have an "enlarged" print in A3 (420 x 297 mm). It should be an easy task but I don't find any way to change print scale in Okular. Any hint?
My version of Okular seems 1.6.3 and It seems that a more recent version (1.9) has this possibility but it's not available in openSUSE.

I tried to use GIMP but it's too complicated for this simple task.

LEAP 15.1 scan to pdf

I have an hp3830 officejet printer/ scanner.
I'm using 15.1 with kde desktop.
I tried scanlite and output wasn't readable, all blurred. Is there any app to scan documents to pdf?

[security-announce] openSUSE-SU-2020:0264-1: moderate: Security update for libexif

openSUSE Security Update: Security update for libexif ______________________________________________________________________________ Announcement ID: openSUSE-SU-2020:0264-1 Rating: moderate References: #1120943 #1160770 Cross-References: CVE-2018-20030 C...


[security-announce] openSUSE-SU-2020:0272-1: important: Security update for cacti, cacti-spine

openSUSE Security Update: Security update for cacti, cacti-spine ______________________________________________________________________________ Announcement ID: openSUSE-SU-2020:0272-1 Rating: important References: #1082318 #1101024 #1101139 #1122242 #112...


[security-announce] openSUSE-SU-2020:0273-1: moderate: Security update for proftpd

openSUSE Security Update: Security update for proftpd ______________________________________________________________________________ Announcement ID: openSUSE-SU-2020:0273-1 Rating: moderate References: #1164572 #1164574 Cross-References: CVE-2020-9272 CV...


LEAP 15.1 Bash and its startup file execution order


When a standard user log in, startup file execution order are in this order :

mars 01 22:46:00 ASUS  ETC_PROFILE[2471]: hBc                        - /etc/profile -  ¨€¨€¨ BEGIN ¨€¨€¨  - USER :  user_bidon_2

mars 01 22:46:00 ASUS  ETC_PROFILE_LOCAL[2495]: hBc                - /etc/profile.local -  %% BEGIN %%  - USER :  user_bidon_2

mars 01 22:46:00 ASUS  ETC_BASH_BASHRC[2562]: hBc                    - /etc/bash.bashrc -  ^*^*^ BEGIN ^*^*^  - USER :  user_bidon_2

mars 01 22:46:00 ASUS  ETC_BASH_BASHRC_LOCAL[2568]: hBc            - /etc/bash.bashrc.local -  && BEGIN &&  - USER :  user_bidon_2

mars 01 22:46:00 ASUS  HOME_NORMAL_USER_BASHRC[2589]: hBc        - /home/user_bidon_2/.bashrc -  °¤°¤° BEGIN °¤°¤°  - USER :  user_bidon_2

mars 01 22:46:00 ASUS  HOME_NORMAL_USER_PROFILE[2603]: hBc        - /home/user_bidon_2/.profile -  °µ°µ° BEGIN °µ°µ°  - USER :  user_bidon_2

When user root log in, startup file execution order are in this order :

mars 01 22:55:21 ASUS  HOME_USER_ROOT_PROFILE[2483]: hBs    - /root/.profile -  °µ°µ° BEGIN °µ°µ°  - USER :  root

mars 01 22:55:21 ASUS  ETC_PROFILE[2494]: hBc                    - /etc/profile -  ¨€¨€¨ BEGIN ¨€¨€¨  - USER :  root

mars 01 22:55:22 ASUS  ETC_PROFILE_LOCAL[2518]: hBc            - /etc/profile.local -  %% BEGIN %%  - USER :  root

mars 01 22:55:22 ASUS  ETC_BASH_BASHRC[2585]: hBc                - /etc/bash.bashrc -  ^*^*^ BEGIN ^*^*^  - USER :  root

mars 01 22:55:22 ASUS  ETC_BASH_BASHRC_LOCAL[2591]: hBc        - /etc/bash.bashrc.local -  && BEGIN &&  - USER :  root

mars 01 22:55:22 ASUS  HOME_USER_ROOT_BASHRC[2612]: hBc        - /root/.bashrc -  °¤°¤° BEGIN °¤°¤°  - USER :  root

mars 01 22:55:22 ASUS  HOME_USER_ROOT_PROFILE[2626]: hBc    - /root/.profile -  °µ°µ° BEGIN °µ°µ°  - USER :  root

'/root/.profile' is run twice, the first time $- is set to hBs and the second time $- is set to hBc.
'/home/user' is run ounce, $- is set to hBc.

Any comment is welcome.

[security-announce] openSUSE-SU-2020:0274-1: moderate: Security update for python3

openSUSE Security Update: Security update for python3 ______________________________________________________________________________ Announcement ID: openSUSE-SU-2020:0274-1 Rating: moderate References: #1162224 #1162367 #1162423 #1162825 Cross-References...


TUMBLEWEED Best Virtual Machine Software To Run Windows(R) 10 Pro 64Bit On openSUSE?


I still(unfortunately) have a need to runs some applications on Windows 10 Pro 64Bit.
This is a problem for me because I run Linux now on all of my computers.

Just wondering what other people here are using to run Win 10 on openSUSE.
Let me know your recommendations, thanks!

NOTE: Dual booting is not a viable option I would entertain...


[security-announce] openSUSE-SU-2020:0278-1: important: Security update for webkit2gtk3

openSUSE Security Update: Security update for webkit2gtk3 ______________________________________________________________________________ Announcement ID: openSUSE-SU-2020:0278-1 Rating: important References: #1159329 #1161719 #1163809 Cross-References: CV...


LEAP 15.1 How to display pattern description

I would like to display the description of the available patterns. I don't know of an option on zypper info to suppres displaying the pattern content and I don't know of an option on zypper search to display the description. Is there a way to display the description without getting all of the included packages?

LEAP 15.1 How to display software management pattern description

I would like to display the description of the available patterns. I don't know of an option on zypper info to suppres displaying the pattern content and I don't know of an option on zypper search to display the description. Is there a way to display the description without getting all of the included packages?

LEAP 15.1 mp4 file fails to play from Dolphin's preview pane...

OK.. So I don't know if this is a bug or a problem with my setup, if the latter then it afflicts 2 Leap 15.1 and 2 TW installs.

When attempting to play an mp4 file from Dolphin's preview panel


nothing happens.

Starting Dolphin from konsole this is the output (with notes inserted [])


paul@HP255G7:~> dolphin
Trying to convert empty KLocalizedString to QString.
inotify_add_watch("/lost+found") failed: "Permission denied"
inotify_add_watch("/root") failed: "Permission denied"
inotify_add_watch("/home/lost+found") failed: "Permission denied"
QLayout: Attempting to add QLayout "" to PhononWidget "", which already has a layout

  [Dolphin started, navigated to mp4 file, now attempt to play *.mp4 file from dolphins preview panel]

** Message: PackageKit: xid = 56623126
** Message: PackageKit: desktop_id = (null)
** Message: PackageKit: Codec nice name: H.264 (Main Profile) decoder
** Message: PackageKit: ignoring field named level
** Message: PackageKit: ignoring field named profile
** Message: PackageKit: structure: gstreamer1(decoder-video/x-h264)()(64bit)
** Message: PackageKit: Codec nice name: MPEG-4 AAC decoder
** Message: PackageKit: ignoring field named level
** Message: PackageKit: ignoring field named base-profile
** Message: PackageKit: ignoring field named profile
** Message: PackageKit: field is: mpegversion, type: gint
** Message: PackageKit: structure: gstreamer1(decoder-audio/mpeg)(mpegversion=4)()(64bit)
** Message: PackageKit: Did not install codec: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.freedesktop.PackageKit was not provided by any .service files

    [exit dolphin]


which looks to me as if Dolphin is attempting to use "PackageKit" to install a missing codec...

I should mention that mp4 files all play OK using vlc.

I'm not sure what Dolphin is missing though, ffmpeg and gstreamer (good, bad, & ugly) are installed.

LEAP 15.1 firefox

Do the firefox versions in leap and tumbleweed get the same security updates? I noticed they have different versions in leap and tumbleweed. Would one or the other be more secure for online bill paying?

simple_html_dom: simple use-case - gettin a scipt to work

hi there good day dear OpenSuse-experts,

the issue today: simple_html_dom: simple use-case - gettin a scipt to work

Well - this is somewhat a headstart i fairly new to simple_html_dom usage and methods. I know a little the parser,

i want to gather some information from this site:https://europa.eu/youth/volunteering...ations_en#open

is this possible to get the content - of let us say 10 or 20 last records on that page - and subesquently to store it in my mysql - db!?


// Report all PHP errors (see changelog)


    //base url
    $base = 'https://europa.eu/youth/volunteering/organisations_en#open';

    //home page HTML
    $html_base = file_get_html( $base );

    //get all category links
    foreach($html_base->find('a') as $element) {
        echo "<pre>";
        print_r( $element->href );
        echo "</pre>";


// Report all PHP errors (see changelog)


    //base url
    $base = 'https://europa.eu/youth/volunteering/organisations_en#open';

    //home page HTML
    $html_base = file_get_html( $base );

    //get all category links
    foreach($html_base->find('a') as $element) {
        echo "<pre>";
        print_r( $element->href );
        echo "</pre>";



I have the above code and I'm trying to get certain elements of the page but it isn't returning anything. Is it possible that certain PHP functions might be disabled on the server to stop that?
The above code works perfectly on other sites.


<b>Warning</b>:  include(inc/simple_html_dom.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in <b>[...][...]</b> on line <b>5</b><br/>
<b>Warning</b>:  include(): Failed opening 'inc/simple_html_dom.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:') in <b>[...][...]</b> on line <b>5</b><br/>
<b>Fatal error</b>:  Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function file_get_html() in [...][...]:11
Stack trace:
#0 {main}
  thrown in
<b>[...][...]</b> on line <b>11</b><br/>

findings: As the error states, i think that simple_html_dom.php either doesn't exist or isn't in the right location.

furthermore: since file_get_html is not a native PHP function, the function resides within my included file that cannot be found so i need to to fix that first. The filed does not exist by checking the inc folder in the project root. i am going to fix it.

so the question is:

this is my project-folder:


question: does the above mentioned file resides in that folder - the includes file!?

love to hear from you

[security-announce] openSUSE-SU-2020:0284-1: important: Security update for cacti, cacti-spine

openSUSE Security Update: Security update for cacti, cacti-spine ______________________________________________________________________________ Announcement ID: openSUSE-SU-2020:0284-1 Rating: important References: #1082318 #1101024 #1101139 #1122242 #112...


ATOM-Settings: IDE-PHP could not launch your PHP runtime: how to proceed ?

hi there good day dear folks,

i am currently workin on a script: therefore i have to take care that the PHP-development-Environment is set up correctly:

so this is a question regarding: ATOM-Settings: IDE-PHP could not launch your PHP runtime: how to proceed

i just installed into ATOM the
and i followed the recommendation:
> You should also install the [atom-ide-ui](https://atom.io/packages/atom-ide-ui) package to expose the functionality within Atom.

so i also installed the **atom-ide-ui**

Now - i got back the complains from the system:
No PHP interpreter found at **php** .
If you have PHP 7.0 installed please Set PHP Path correctly. If you do not please Download PHP 7.0 or later and install it.
`spawn php ENOENT`
IDE-PHP could not launch your PHP runtime.
No PHP interpreter found at **php** .

well - i just need to install PHP - and set the paths
**btw**: are there some other nice and easy leightweight IDEs or Editors for PHP!? Love to hear from you.

TUMBLEWEED Namenloser Prozeß

Hallo allez'samm,

ich setze OpenSuSE Tumbleweed mit Plasma ein, halte es mit zypper brav am neuesten Stand und bin do eigentlich ganz zufrieden.

Wenn ich auf der Plasma-Oberfläche mittels Strg-Esc die Systemaktivität aufrufe, ist in dieser ein namenloser Prozeß enthalten, Benutzer: root,-1, weitere Informationen nicht erhältlich. Er läßt sich nicht verändern (z.B. Priorität) und auch nicht anhalten o.ä. (z.B. mit STOP, TERM, KILL), irgendwelche Daten (Memory o.ä.) sind nicht erhältlich.

Das sieht so aus:

Seit wann der da ist, kann ich nicht sagen, er ist mir vorige Woche erstmals aufgefallen. In top und ps wird er nicht angezeigt.

Weiß jemand was das ist? Brauch' ich den? Wie krieg ich den raus?

Danke für's Lesen.

der Michael

Moving to the new News

In an effort to make contributing to openSUSE easier, openSUSE News has moved from being a Wordpress application to a Jekyll static site developed directly on Github. Now you too can write an article, or a series of articles, by sending pull requests to the openSUSE/news-o-o repository.
How to do it

The repository contains _posts directory, that’s where you will upload your own markdown formatted post, following the structure of other posts in the folder. Additionally, you can upload your images to assets/images directory, and reference them from the post.
After you pull request a post like that, the marketing team will review and, if needed, suggest improvements. A successfully reviewed post will be merged into the repository and published at the date specified by the post itself.

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