Larry Ellison steps down as CEO of Oracle
For those that may be interested to know...
View ArticleWont Restart
Just bought a new server and installed OpenSuSe 13.1. Everything works fine, except when I restart the server. shutdown -r now reboot These commands above shutdown the server completely. It won't...
View ArticleA btrfs voiume is clogged with snapshots
opensuse 13.1 linux 3.11.10-21-desktop x86_64 I apparently formatted the root volume as btrfs. It has been taking snapshots ever since. Now the volume is chock full of snapshots. It seems like a stupid...
View ArticleMinecraft command for application launcher
Is it possible to create a symlink for Code: java -jar ./Minecraft.jar , so I can use its command for the application launcher?
View ArticleRepository question
I was going to download a couple of packages not in the Repositories that are automatically added during openSUSE 13.1 install. One was GMIC. YaST showed the following repositories:...
View ArticleНе могу войти - испортил конфиги. Помогите советом.
Пытаюсь осваивать OpenSUSE. 13.1. Мучился вогнать его в реальный домен AD. Правил разные конфиги. По одной из методик поправил чтото в /etc/pam.d/, а возможно даже и не один common-конфиг. В результате...
View Articlewifi disconnects when using bluetoothctl
Hey Don't know if it is a bug or something. Not a problem for me when I know the solution (or workaround (quit bluetoothctl)), so no need to dig deep into this, just information to others if there is...
View ArticleWhere can I find Kcoloredit?
I've tried to install a little program called Kcoloredit, a palette editor, but I can't find out how. It doesn't seem present on the repos. I have also searched on and...
View ArticleopenSUSE booth at Akademy, now with a video
To share a bit more about this long trip but worse to made it. You can now enjoy the video clip made during this event. Was a real pleasure to meet so numerous openSUSE users. More...
View ArticleNo Sound via headphones
Hi all! New user of OpenSuse & Linux in general. I originally used to run Ubuntu on a VM, then tried Mint & Xubuntu... finally OpenSuse & totally loving it. I've spent a lot of time getting...
View ArticleHelp and advice
Hello, I'm new user here, and i was using Ubuntu then i become now using Opensuse 13.1. So actually i have two question 1- There was Software center in ubuntu and i can install new application from it...
View Articletesseract one-klick geht nicht
Hallo! Ich habe gerade versucht tesseract zu installieren. Bei der Suche im YAST findet sich ein tesseract, das aber ein Spiel ist. Auf der Opensuseseite ist ein one-klick für die gleichnamige...
View ArticleDateimanager - ISO-Image wird als Textdatei angezeigt, nicht als ISO.
Hallo, Leute, wenn ich mit dem Dateimanager eine zuvor heruntergeladene ISO-Datei öffnen will, versucht er, die Datei mit Kate zu öffnen. Das macht michj stutzig, weil er ja K3b oder ähnliches...
View ArticleAdvice for adding a secondary language on Opensuse 13.1
Hello, I installed Opensuse 13.1 on my laptop. My language system in English. I want add secondary language. So i choose language > secondary language> tick in the box for the required language....
View ArticleCurl security update and yast2
I am having trouble with the latest Curl security update (2014-547). It shows up in yast2, but only includes the deletion of curl, libcurl4 and libcurl4-32 and does not show the installation...
View ArticleFirefox, how to get rid of message "Activate mozplugger handles quicktime and...
I use mozplugger in firefox in order to use some plugins like okular (I don't like acroread embedded). I've been using it sinc long time ago, but now since some update each time i open a pdf in firefox...
View ArticleVLC Problem, Ton aber kein Bild
Hallo Suse Spezis, ich bin schon einige Zeit damit beschäftigt, MP4 bzw. H264 codec im VLC ans laufen zu bekommen. Eine Mischung von VideoLan und Packman habe ich mittlerweile beseitigt. Der Zustand...
View Articledigikam 4.3.0
Running opensuse_64 13.1 bottle, KDE4.14.1. I did a weekly zypper on my main desktop and my laptop yesterday. Somehow digikam 4.3.0(build date 17 September) have been corrupted and crash one time after...
View ArticleNot longer possible to sign in to KDE from the GDM login menu?
I have always used to install Gnome as my default desktop and just added the KDE pattern during the initial installation. It has always worked flawlessly afterwards to switch and logon to KDE from the...
View ArticleCan't install GRUB2. LDM has no Embedding Partition
Dear people, I am a beginner in Linux and i have a question. My setup is as followed: 2x 500 gb hard disk RAID 0 1x 500 gb hard disk Which my BIOS also sees as a raid drive 1x 1000 gb hard disk which...
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