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LEAP 15.1 Packages/tools missing from Yast in new Leap 15.1 Transactional Server install

Completed install of (verified) openSuSE Leap 15.1 x64 Transactional server - fourth successful install in six months. No issues posted.

Yast shows only 2 entries - (1) Security and Users, and (2) Miscellaneous.

Where are all other other Yast packages/tools?

Wendell Anderson
Wendell Anderson@kimalcorp.org

LEAP 15.1 Modprobe device command not permanent

Modprobe r8169 command works fine, but when I reboot, it loses the config.

How do I make it permanent?

LEAP 15.1 Multiple search/replace text patterns in one go


I need to replace different patterns in a text file, kind of a batch search/replace, and the patterns should be saved and editable to use in other occasions.

For example, an application that would read a pattern file like this:

"0,01" "0.01"
"0,02" "0.02"
"x y" "X-Y"

So a text file like this

x y 0,01 0,02 z 0.00
would be changed to

X-Y 0.01 0.02 z 0.00
I want to be able to reuse the pattern file, with eventual edits, in other text files. This doesn't need to change multiple text files, just one each time.

I've looked at Alt. Find & Replace extension to libreoffice writer but it's not obvious how to create batch files, the examples given are quite complex.

Any suggestions for an easy GUI or bash script?


LEAP 15.1 Wake-On-LAN not working on my home server

Hello everyone,

i recently set up a little home server and continue configuring it from time to time according to my needs. Now i wanted to set up a Wake-On-LAN function for my server.
I activated Ethernet wakeup on the server's BIOS and set the wol g option with ethtool like this:


sudo ethtool -s eth0 wol g
i added a systemd daemon running the above argument on startup to ensure the server is always configured for the magic packet wakeup. Now i tried two things:
first i suspended the system to RAM because this is what i usually want to do in the future if the server is not in use with

sudo systemctl suspend
(rtcwake does not work for me for some reason)
I then use a python script on my windows mashine to send the magic package:


import socket

mac_address = bytearray.fromhex("My server's MAC address")
package = bytearray.fromhex("ff ff ff ff ff ff")

for i in range (0, 16):
    package += mac_address[0:6]

s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
server_address = ("My server's network address", 9)

    s.sendto(package, server_address)
except socket.error:
    print("error while sending package")
except socket.timeout:
    print("timed out while sending wakeup")
print("Sent wakeup...")
    response = s.recv(1024)
except socket.error as msg:
    print("Error while receiving response: ", msg)

now when i run the script as the server is suspended...nothing happens the socket times out while waiting for the answer and the server keeps sleeping.
I then tried a complete shutdown with

sudo shutdown -P +0
to check if the server would wake from this state but again nothing happens when running the script
I checked the package sent with wireshark and everything seems to be okay there is the Ethernet protocol header the IP header and the UDP header and then the correct data (6x FF 16x MAC-address)
but the server just wont wake up. I have really no idea what is going wrong and i also have no idea what logs i could check for any information. Could it be my router possibly messing things up as not sending the package to a shutdown mashine?
I use a Fritzbox 7490 as an access point for my windows mashine and the server is connected directly to the main router namely a Telekom Speedport Pro. But i can not find any configuration in the Speedport which seems to fit the WOL purpose so i am a bit lost.

TUMBLEWEED Meaning of "i+" in zypper output

Operating System: openSUSE Tumbleweed 20200325
KDE Plasma Version: 5.18.3
KDE Frameworks Version: 5.68.0
Qt Version: 5.14.1
Kernel Version: 5.5.11-1-default

zypper 1.14.35

When I run zypper patterns --installed-only | nl I get the following output:


$ zypper patterns --installed-only | nl
    1  Loading repository data...
    2  Reading installed packages...
    3  S  | Name          | Version      | Repository | Dependency
    4  ---+---------------+---------------+------------+-----------
    5  i  | apparmor      | 20190612-15.1 | @System    |         
    6  i+ | base          | 20190612-15.1 | @System    |         
    7  i+ | enhanced_base | 20190612-15.1 | @System    |         
    8  i  | fonts        | 20170319-5.4  | @System    |         
    9  i+ | kde          | 20181130-3.2  | @System    |         
    10  i  | kde_plasma    | 20181130-3.2  | @System    |         
    11  i  | minimal_base  | 20190612-15.1 | @System    |         
    12  i  | sw_management | 20190612-15.1 | @System    |         
    13  i+ | x11          | 20190612-15.1 | @System    |         
    14  i+ | yast2_basis  | 20190411-1.4  | @System    |         

If "i" in the "S" column is for "installed", what does "i+" mean?

And if I run just zypper patterns, some entries have "v" in the "S" column. What does that mean?


[security-announce] openSUSE-SU-2020:0362-1: moderate: Security update for wireshark

openSUSE Security Update: Security update for wireshark ______________________________________________________________________________ Announcement ID: openSUSE-SU-2020:0362-1 Rating: moderate References: #1093733 #1094301 #1101776 #1101777 #1101786 #1101...


[security-announce] openSUSE-SU-2020:0365-1: important: Security update for chromium

openSUSE Security Update: Security update for chromium ______________________________________________________________________________ Announcement ID: openSUSE-SU-2020:0365-1 Rating: important References: #1167090 Cross-References: CVE-2019-20503 CVE-2020...


[security-announce] openSUSE-SU-2020:0365-1: important: Security update for chromium

openSUSE Security Update: Security update for chromium ______________________________________________________________________________ Announcement ID: openSUSE-SU-2020:0365-1 Rating: important References: #1167090 Cross-References: CVE-2019-20503 CVE-2020...


OTHER VERSION Second monitor suddenly not detected

Hi, I have a SuseLinux 42.3 installed on a Dell Laptop SInce yesterday my second monitor is not detected anymore. Do you have any idea how this can happen out of nothing ? I have installed no additional software, I've done no changes to my system ...
I have to add that the monitor cable is ok and the monitor is working, I've tested it with another laptop.

LEAP 15.1 sendmail logging

we schalte ich das "alte" logging ein, d.h. sendmail loggt zu /var/log/mail?

liebe Grüsse, WalterU

LEAP 15.1 JeOs cannot open CDE due to xorg problems.

Hello there, i downloaded the Virtual Box version of the JeOs (leap 15.1) and wanted to install CDE (Common desktop environment) to it however im having xorg errors. I did download all the dependencies they said in their site, i also downloaded xorg-x11 package however when i type the command to open it it gives me this:

and here is the log:


then i tried to open with dtlogin (again in the suggested way in their own site) which gave me this:

Tried to install Lightdm and GDM too both just made the screen flicker and after a minute closed themselves.

Also i don't think it has anything to do with but only other thing i installed to the system was twin desktop manager with its dependencies (which also doesn't work) and virtualbox guest things.

TUMBLEWEED mount /dev/sdb8 etc wipes contents of sdb7?? What's up wit dat?


Complicated story, have a multi-multi-boot set up on my MacPro '12 . . . posting the question here because there can be conversation, the problem bridges across the Gecko Rolling, the TW . . . and the Manjaro installs that I have on /sdb7,8,9 . . . since I used the TW TTY to run these commands I feel it's "OK" to post the question here . . . . I ran this "mount" command to try to "fix" a fresh install of Gecko that on reboot had a "kernel not found" error, although as I had the experience before in TW where first reboot into system was fine, but second was not . . . wasn't sure what the issue was. Booted Super Grub to try to boot the install and that failed. I booted into TW and dropped into a TTY and ran this data from @knurpht that worked for my install of TW a few months back:


I'm not going to read the entire thread again, so please replace  '/dev/sdX#' by the proper entry for your root fs. Boot from a TW install  image, hit Ctrl+Alt+F2, you'll see a root prompt. Then do:
        mount /dev/sdb8 /mnt
mount --bind /dev /mnt/dev
mount --bind /proc /mnt/proc
mount --bind /sys /mnt/sys
chroot /mnt
mount -a
Go System - Bootloader, make sure "Probe for foreign OS" is checked. Hit OK.
Exit YaST
hit Ctrl+D to exit the chroot, reboot.

When I was "in" the Gecko Yast Bootloader I couldn't arrow around and "check" "Probe for foreign OS" . . . but I could move between "kernel parameters" and the three tab headings . . . so in actual fact I couldn't make any changes in Gecko Yast while I was there, but seems like "mounting" the partition did something so that on reboot Grub found it and although it showed another error, "video not found"?? it still loaded the kernel and Gecko booted up!!!

I then went to Gecko's Yast Bootloader and checked "Probe foreign OS" . . . and I rebooted . . . back into TW . . . which already had the "probe foreign OS" checked from the last time we went through the "grub not finding opensusetw" problem here in this forum.

So all appeared to be fine, until this morning, this should be "Manjaro" day . . . but now in Grub there is no Manjaro option??? Booted up the SuperGrub2 disk, found the /EFI/manjaroxxxx file, clicked go . . . and into a black "grub rescue" cursor??? Don't know what to enter, so I put "reboot" . . . and nope, "command not found" . . . .

Shut the machine down, booted into TW and launched GParted . . . and seems like sdb7 . . . only has "447 MB" of data . . . unidentified data?? I haven't run anything other than SG2, and system updates in TW, Gecko, and U-MATE . . . didn't try to mount "sdb7" and/or do anything with sdb7 . . . but it now appears to be gone?

Is there something in using TTY to "mount" a partition that would erase the partition next to it???? Seems odd, it's not like before in TW where something in the installer "broke" the Grub menu contents for TW, but the data for "/" was there and I could log in via TTY and run zypper updates . . . here data appears to have been surgically removed??? By another system, in this case possibly one of the adjacent OSs, which happen to both be opensusetw???? The only thing that remains of Manjaro are a couple of lines in grub cfg & efi . . . that error to grub rescue . . . . :O

LEAP 15.1 Collabora requirements vs multipe instances of libre office, worthwile?

I am working on my Corona setup.

On the left I do have my 12.2" Android tablet, using VNC to connect to my notebook and Quicksynergy to link the mouse.

on the right side, I have a old 12" MacAir runing OS15.1, connecting with Qsynergy back to the notebook

With the tablet I do have the same user and data, on a XFCE session, which I have on the notebook with KDE. So far so ok.

But if I want to open a libreoffice on both screen it is not possible. And the hack to get it done with multiple instances is a lot of work.
So I am thinking, is it possible to

A: to use OpenOffice and LibreOffice at the same time?
B: to install Collabora to access all data on the notebook, and howto access CODE after installation.
C: use different offices and Office won't have problems to copy and paste?

I do have files, that only work properly in LO.

Does Collabora have a working spreadsheet? The online demo only shows a word processor.
After CODE YMP installation, how to access it?

TUMBLEWEED Monitor not detected after boot, sees no signal, not showing in xrandr output

Greetings. I need urgent help with an issue regarding a new monitor I bought. My old monitor keeps turning itself off when powered on and I had to replace it... likely a bulged transistor which I don't have the time nor tools to replace myself, still works after a few tries but I don't know how much longer it will last. My issue is that the new one simply isn't working! My OS is Linux openSUSE Tumbleweed x64 (always up to date with 'zypper dup') and the new monitor is a ViewSonic vx2758-c-mhd (the 23.6 inch version, not the 27 inch one), my video card is an AMD Radeon xfx r9 390 for which I'm using the amdgpu module:


This monitor supports three inputs: DisplayPort, HDMI, DVI. I tried the HDMI cable that arrived with the monitor, followed by an older HDMI cable that works fine with the other monitor, then the DVI cable which is also confirmed to work flawlessly: Same issue with all 3 cables, definitely not the cable that's at fault. I don't have a DisplayPort cable so I couldn't test that interface too, but it would most likely do the same thing.

This seems to be a software and / or Linux related issue: I'm able to see the pre-boot screens just fine on the new monitor, including GRUB2 where I can pick which kernel to boot. Even the Plymouth splash screen shows up fine! But the moment I reach the login screen, the display goes black and says "no signal" without ever turning back on again. Once more the result is identical on both HDMI and DVI, I now have it plugged in through both cables and it refuses to see the device over either connection.

With both the new and old monitors connected, I booted up my system again. I ran the xrandr command in the console. I was shocked to notice the new monitor is not listed as a device at all! Its port appears as disconnected, X11 is seeing absolutely nothing there although the monitor is clearly powered on but complaining there's no signal. In the past I had a similar issue with a VR headset not being detected in the same way, however in its case it appeared in the xrandr output... with this monitor I'm not getting even that.

I looked everywhere for answers. Many people reported this problem but nearly no one had a working solution. I was only able to find one piece of advice that seems to have done something: Someone said to disable CSM (Compatibility Support Module) in the BIOS. I did so and it made the POST screen show up as well, before that only the GRUB2 screen would display. However it did not solve the screen refusing to turn on after the system has booted.

Could this be a missing driver package or disabled kernel module? Clearly it's not a hardware failure or it wouldn't display POST / BIOS / GRUB2 either. There must be something Linux related that's causing it to not be detected. If I can't find a solution I'll have to return the monitor soon... I really don't want this, as I couldn't find anything half as good near the same price and with the Corona Virus situation the last thing I want is to travel around carrying a huge monitor. I'll await your suggestions for what to try next, thank you.

TUMBLEWEED About resetting graphics

I got a situation where it seemed black lines were painted over part of screen, eventually covering the whole screen when the other parts had to be repainted.

I did:
- hit Ctrl+Alt+Backspace 2x: it took me to the login screen
- login: it got stuck on a spinner
- Ctrl+Alt+F1, then Ctrl+Alt+F7: nothing changed
- Ctrl+Alt+F1: noticed kwin_x11 was using 200% CPU (how?!?), tried kill $pid, killall kwin_x11, it refused
- systemctl reboot: ok

How could I have handled it in the first place? I got these black lines a couple times on Windows, to which a keyboard shortcut was able to reset graphics.

And how to effectively kill kwin if I get to that again?


$ inxi -GMS
System:    Kernel: 5.5.7-1-default x86_64 bits: 64 Desktop: KDE Plasma 5.18.2
          Distro: openSUSE Tumbleweed 20200305
Machine:  Type: Desktop System: Dell product: XPS 8920 v: 1.0.20
          Mobo: Dell model: 0VHXCD v: A03 UEFI: Dell v: 1.0.20 date: 06/20/2019
Graphics:  Device-1: Intel HD Graphics 630 driver: i915 v: kernel
          Device-2: NVIDIA GP107 [GeForce GTX 1050 Ti] driver: nvidia v: 440.64
          Display: x11 server: X.Org 1.20.7 driver: modesetting,nvidia unloaded: fbdev,nouveau,vesa
          resolution: 2560x1440~60Hz, 2560x1440~60Hz
          OpenGL: renderer: GeForce GTX 1050 Ti/PCIe/SSE2 v: 4.6.0 NVIDIA 440.64


TUMBLEWEED Problems with Surface Dock (Brick)


Successfully installed Tumbleweed in my old Surface Pro 4. Everything works perfect, fast and responsive. No issues at all until I plug in the SP4 to the Microsoft Dock. Everything comes to a grinding halt slowly. Restart or shutdown hangs. CTRL+ALT+BACKSPACE shows the system is unable to unmount most and struggling to stop NetworkManager.

Anyone else experienced anything like this? This same SP4 worked perfect with and without dock with Fedora 31 and 32 Beta.



LEAP 15.1 DLNA and the firewall

Giving this one last try.... :(
Have several media serving devices on my network (ASUS + Fritz!Box routers, a Fetch PVR, and a Ubuntu PC running Gerbera), and trying to connect to them using Leap15.1 x64 and VLC.
If I connect using my default settings (WiFi - WLan3 - set to Internal Zone, and Firewall set to Internal with this + this settings), I cannot see any of the media servers.
If I turn OFF the firewall, I can see them all.
I've run out of ideas as to what else I can add to the settings, to enable me to access them.
As can be seen, I have Port 1900 open, as stated in the Gerbera config, also have opened 49153, which is configured in the config files, have added any of the DLNA/UPNP generic services in the Firewall settings, and still can see nothing (with the Firewall on...)

Open to any other suggestions!

TUMBLEWEED Bold text in Telegram Desktop changed to bold italics

Hi all, this is actually a minor problem but still very annoying to me. I installed Telegram Desktop from the official repo. The program runs without problem so far except that texts that is supposed to be bold fonts like contact names, group names, channel names, etc are shown with bold italics fonts. I have tried installing the flatpak version and that one doesn't have this problem. I tried to launch the app from command line, it gave no useful message.
I use latest KDE Plasma.
Anybody what caused the problem and how to fix it?

TUMBLEWEED Touch-Konfiguration mit zwei Monitoren


kleine Frage zu Touchscreens. Ich habe seit neuestem zwei Monitore, einer mit Touch und einer ohne. Beide werden einwandfrei erkannt und ich kann mit beiden arbeiten (erweiterter Desktop, der sich über beide Arbeitsflächen erstreckt.
Auch die Touch-Funktionalität funktioniert Grundsätzlich - Allerdings nicht so wie ich es mir wünsche. Die Touch-Aktivität wird nämlich über die ganze Breite ausgeführt. D.h. wenn ich im linken Teil meines Touchscreens berühre, wird die Aktion im linken Bildschirm ausgeführt, der gar keinen Touch hat.

Wie kann ich das einstellen, das die Touch-Funktionalität tatsächlich auch nur im Bereich des Touchscreens ausgeführt wird?


Manage your dotfiles with Git

Dot what ??? What is commonly referred to as dotfiles are all those small plain text files that contain your softwares’ configuration. Most of the time they reside in your $HOME directory but are hidden as they are prefixed with a dot, hence their name. For some apps, you can...

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